I am by no means associated with RuneScape or Jagex Game Studios. I take no credit for RuneScape.

If you would like to keep this page up while you play, right-click this: http://www.runescape.com/g=runescape/game.ws?j=1 , and select: "Open in new tab".

The window below is not a fake. It will not steal your password or any of your personal information. If you're serious about keeping your account safe, do what Jagex says to do and that is to only play on their game clients. I know this one here is safe because I play on it every once in a while. If you still want to play on this website, please don't go here to play RuneScape all the time; give Jagex credit by going to: www.runescape.com/game.ws?j=1. If it is a pain using the scroll bars while you play, in the bottom right-hand corner there is a zoom button (for Internet Explorer users). Keep zooming in until the full game screen is visible and you won't have you use the scroll bars. 

RuneScape is being played below:

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