Mini-Orb Guide

Water Orbs: To get to the water obelisk, tele to Falador, use west wall shortcut, run to Taverly Dungeon, make your way through using whatever shortcuts you can [70+ Agility highly suggested], go up the ladder near the black dragons, charge your orbs at the obelisk and tele back to Falador. Repeat.

XP: 30k xp/hr GP: 150k gp/hr 

Earth Orbs: Tele to Edgeville using a glory, run to Edge sewers [southern exclamation point], make your way to the wilderness area by running north and then east and through the gate leading north, run to the black demons and go into the southern room. Charge your orbs at the obelisk and then tele back to Edge and repeat.

XP: 37k xp/hr GP: 265k gp/hr 

Fire Orbs: Reaching the fire obelisk is similar to the water obelisk [read above for that]. Just when you reach the ladder, don't go up the ladder, go into the west room and charge your orbs.

XP: 40k xp/hr GP: 245k gp/hr 

Air Orbs: This is similar to the earth obelisk. Follow those direction, and instaed of entering the southern room when you reach the black demons, go up the ladder and and you'll be at the air obelisk.

XP: 41k xp/hr GP: 215k gp/hr

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